If A 12 Year Old Can Work It Out Why Can't You ?
Hey welcome back :) thanks for taking the time to come over here and have a little read… ha who am I kidding this one is going to be a bit of a read, so let's get right into the nitty gritty of this is a story based around a young man I have come to grow very fond of and is building a huge wrap of respect with me and a few other clients we have within our group training structure. It's not often you come across a young man in this case at the time a 12 year old boy, who knows and understands that he needs to make the changes in his life before it’s too late. Here we have a young man about to hit High School a little more than just chubby, a little more than uncomfortable with the way he looked and felt as a boy, he no doubt was and is going through those boyhood dramas, you know self esteem, low in confidence, trying to find where he fits in this new chapter of his life as he embarks on towards the end of Grade 6 and the beginning of Grade 7 and into his teen years plus you know shhh puberty and all that fun stuff that comes with growing. So for him to realize that he needed to make a lifestyle change in the middle of all of this going on was and is a very mature and considered grown up decision making process, I mean we dont have to have life figured out until we figure it out but to be 12 leading into 13 and understanding that if he doesn’t make or commit to a better lifestyle he will end up being where he is now if not worse in 20, 30, 40 years time…. Thats Fucking Huge for a 12 year old boy and while I type that into this blog I hate calling him a boy Declan is far more than just a boy he is becoming an adolescent and watching him develop through health and fitness is an amazing spectacle.
Active Kids Benefit More From Life
So help our next generation live longer, be stronger, be healthier, be more active and still appreciate the little things that are outside. The fresh air, the summer sun, the spring blossoming flowers.
Left taken 1 month ago. Top Right Grade 7. B/Right Grade 6.
The one thing I love about healthy living by having an active fit lifestyle is that when you come across young men and women we also have Libby she is an incredible, determined individual, she has this personality that is both strong and yet compassionate Libby is another testament to what fitness and structure through fitness can do for an individual. The thing I love most and respect the most about fitness with young people is it offers them a place to release, to be themselves with zero judgement, a place where they can come and feel apart of something so much more than just themselves but at the same time allow them to learn about themselves physically and mentally. Fitness provides this unwavering demand on them but yet in the end up becoming stronger inside and out creating more demand on themselves in small amounts. Let’s take a look a look at Declan’s journey this far if we wind the clock back he started with us just before his 12th birthday so here we have an 11 year old boy wanting to make a huge lifestyle change for the better but remember he is still 11 going on 12 so he isn’t prepared for the consequences of his words and what he is about to action, remember becoming fitter and stronger is grueling, its demanding, its tough, its down right fucking hard at the best of times mentally and physically just to an adult so imagine that on a kid it would have to be almost ten fold or even more who knows I haven’t fully researched it this is just a first hand encounter and story of a kid that has totally blown my mind and continues to impress thing upon me to get the most of myself, we have a kid here that came to T.S.F to be helped, held accountable, and to achieve and yet in the other hand he has helped me in so many ways in return, he continues to make me want to strive for me, to become more, to achieve more with my business and my own personal health and fitness goals, but if he can do it why the fuck can’t you ? ask yourself that right now, if Declan can why can’t I do it ? what’s the excuses I am holding back on, if he can inspire me to share a snip of his journey he surely can inspire you to get off the couch and find a better version of you that you so desire and wish for. If Deccy were writing this for me it would tell you “you got to just do it, and get on with it. Its hard but it’s got to be done” Its been a hard slog for the young man and indeed he has and still pushes my limits with his attitude, with his witty remarks ha ha he is very witty to say the least, and yet he has managed to make me a better person, I was once a teenage boy and I had my fair share of SHITTY teenage moments and with that I can come down and pick him of that level and bring him inside my past to help him understand I do know what it’s like, I was once there, I still have moments in adulthood that make me want to cry, that make me angry the thing is we do not lose this magically between n becoming a teenager and an adult, we just learn to cope better, we just learn to deal with it… mind you as I scream at my own kids for being pains in the neck while I am typing this out… you know all of a sudden they think it is a good idea to play footy in the hallway that is 2m long and 1m wide *Face-palming as the ball keeps crashing against the walls :( so we never lose this we just adapt around it a little better, a little stronger. But fitness can do so much more than help our young people of the future stay lean and not be obese, it can help mentally, it can help structurally in daily life. Take Cozzie for example (my younger brother in-law) we started working out together and the impact it had on him was phenomenal to watch and was the main reason I fell in love with fitness, he was 14 when we started he is now 21 is driven for success, is driven for more in life, is driven for more from his body, he has developed a stronger and more consistent way of life off the back of fitness, that I think is due to the discipline required to give your goals the VERY BEST chance of being achieved.
As Declan’s journey continues I can see this 11,12,13 year old young man wanting more, becoming more, achieving more. This image of him above is a timeline of his journey so far
From the kid that started at 11 almost 12 hating it, lacking effort, lacking in the positive attitude department, remembering after all he is still learning how to cope with added extras. To now a confident, expressing young man to where he gets excited to tell me about his Beep Test results or how he went in the Cross Country training and event and being proud of himself for the effort he now applies to physical education at school, to being able to give more at scouts. Recently which they covered a 30km trek from memory that is outstanding for this young man from where he began to where he is now he has and is achieving so much more with his teenage life. This is what I love about fitness, its ability to become a part of life and yet help increase value into the other areas of life ie School, activities like scouts, just the other day Monday the 26th of August he came to me and proceeded to excitedly tell me “hey guess what, I went for a bike ride after school” this kid has transformed before my eyes both physically and mentally, so I ask you this, why can’t you? Why won’t you? Fitness won’t just help you increase your fitness and health but it can and will transcend your life into something far greater and leave this overwhelming and unexpected impact that is truly remarkable. SO whether you have kids or you do not have kids, you might know someone with kids that are looking down the same barrel as Deccy was its not too late and guess what FITNESS can be rewarding and fun even for kids, even for adults as a business we pride on making sure our clients are having fun first and fitness is just secondary motion to that. So get off the couch and get moving because if this young man can figure it out, I know you can too !! Don’t over complicate it just get up and do something each day that helps you improve :)
Thanks for the read and be sure to share this.
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