Group Fitness
Together We Can Achieve More
We offer classes for every level, and each class is capped at 12 people so everyone can get the individual attention they need. All new clients are asked to please show up 10 minutes early, to meet Steve and have a brief chat.
Most clients pay first to maintain their spot via the monthly membership. If a session gets full, our coach is happy to give personalized pointers and place you on a waiting list.
Message us Today via Messenger and lets get you Started.
Monday Session #1 5:45pm - 6:15pm
Wednesday Session #1 5:45pm - 6:15pm
Thursday 5:45pm - 6:15pm
Limited Spots Available 12 people per Class
Book Your Spot Now At The Bottom Of The Page Via Our Group Calendar
Group Locations
Indoor/Outdoors from October until April (Daylight Savings Times)
Indoors Only from April until October (Winter Months)
Weight Plates
Battle Ropes
Air Bike
Boxing Gloves/Pads
Yoga Mat's (Stretching/Push Ups)