Couples Who Train Together Stay Together !!
Where do I start with these guys……
Adam Being Adam After A Solid Workout
What A Start It Was
Couples, training couples was not even on my radar when I was inboxed by these amazing individuals, they wanted to a personal trainer, they had heard I was pretty good and were referred via a mutual friend. So as we close in on 12 months with Adam and Tayla I am very privileged that they decided to make the changes they wanted for their health and fitness and choose TSF as the place and me as the person to help and inspire them to get the most out of themselves. As I sit here reflecting and typing on Adam and Tayla, the things that stand out for me are that they are great people, with the desire to improve each day, with never looking too far forward and never looking back at the past. They have grown immensely in self-confidence, never did I think 12 months ago would I still be training them every Sunday, never did I think under 12 months they would announce their self-confidence by joining a gym and increase their level of activity output. I did believe they would commit to their personal sessions and give what they had to, to achieve what they had set out to achieve. You see Adam and Tayla had already begun to understand that their journey would take time and that they were a little behind the eight ball, so they didn’t want to stress about weight or weighing in, measuring was key at the start, but they soon phased out that to points in time of their choosing because each day, each week, each month they were feeling better overall within themselves on the outside and inside.
Let's split them down the middle and discuss what it’s like training these two people that have made such an impact on me and my life in the whole sense of it. Adam is smart and mischievous, loves to stir up the pot, can have the attitude of give everything you have and “I’m not here to Fuck about” or the total opposite and just do enough to sweat and have fun at the same time, he really fits the mould of what we believe in at TSF!! Adam’s journey has been incredible to be a part of, I knew Adam on the footy field first and never really knew him outside of playing against him 2x a year but getting to know Adam more outside of footy has seen me grow an enormous amount of respect for him as a man and as a person, he inspires me to become a better person, and an even better Fitness Professional not only for him but for every one that wants to be a part of what we are creating.
Tayla, Tayla, Tayla what a human this woman is, she is giving, she is funny, she is straightforward, and she keeps me on my toes at all times, she shit stirs like the very best of them, and together Adam and Tayla are a powerful yet dynamic duo. Working out with Tayla is like working out with no one I have ever worked with or trained with. The first time I met Tayla I was immediately drawn to her she has this Ora about her that makes people light up around her but when she's tired and not in the mood ha-ha she lets you know that’s for damn sure and it’s a quality I like about her as a person... When she trains with purpose she absolutely pours her effort into the session, as much as she wants to give up and just stop she pushes herself beyond that limitation and breaks that mental barrier down.
She just walks in like Connor McGregor and destroys it!!
These guys are an inspirational couple, they prove that it doesn’t matter where you start or how you start you can still get to where you’d rather be…. Who knew 12 months ago that Adam would be doing 60/75cm box jumps and who knew Tayla would be smashing out extra gym sessions and busting 5km’s on the Cross Trainer, 12 months ago who knew these guys would be an unstoppable force on the way to where they want to be with their health and fitness GOALS !!
I am so proud of both of them, the things they do now they probably didn’t think they had it in them 12 months ago I love hearing about the little wins and the big ones!! I appreciate having them in my life at least 4 days a week because they help make me a better person and keep my ass accountable
A Gym Session With My Mate Tayla :P Needed To Be Shown The Ropes
Love Boxing With These Guys !!
These guys are an inspirational couple, they prove that it doesn’t matter where you start or how you start you can still get to where you’d rather be…. Who knew 12 months ago that Adam would be doing 60/75cm box jumps and who knew Tayla would be smashing out extra gym sessions and busting 5km’s on the Cross Trainer, 12 months ago who knew these guys would be an unstoppable force on the way to where they want to be with their health and fitness GOALS !!
I am so proud of both of them, the things they do now they probably didn’t think they had it in them 12 months ago I love hearing about the little wins and the big ones!! I appreciate having them in my life at least 4 days a week because they help make me a better person and keep my ass accountable