Don't Undercut Yourself, Find Common Value To Trade
Avoid A Volcano This Could Cost You More In The End
Your Friendships Are Worth It
IF you want something but can't pay $$ find another way to exchange Value, you see people expect you to provide them a free service especially friends and family however you still have food to put on the table, bills to pay, rent to cough up so you need to make money and you need to live on what you earn. Do not get me wrong I am all for helping others out and giving them discounts but if you say to me “hey man I need you to train me but I can not pay” I am going to reply with the simple question “what will you or are you willing to do for me in return” because my time is valuable and I need to feed my family however I will work with you to find the best outcome, and usually the best one is building a referral system whereby I will train you for a week and you refer, me one client the more clients you refer, the more you refer, the more sessions we can train together this way the client gets their workout and training and my business still prospers with paying clients. This ends up being a win for the client and the business.
What shits me is when people, especially friends and family think they can abuse this and think they have the right to use the service as if the business is theirs. What happens is this puts the business under pressure and the relationship between the two parties becomes a pressure cooker slowly but in some cases fast and blow the lid right off the friendship or family relationship leaving everyone feeling like shit and that’s no good for either parties. So avoid this by creating boundaries and a system where both parties win together after all everyone deserves to win…. So now I will leave you with the podcast that sparked all this and I hope you truly find value in it somewhere.