We're Not A Gym #Period
Definitely not Molly
We are not a gym, we never will be a gym T.S.F will always be a Personal Coaching business that caters to your goals in a safe, inclusive zone within our studio.
T.S.F was designed with the pure fact that its not a GYM! So you can know and understand that when you are being coached towards your goals you won't be interrupted by someone else wanting equipment, feel out of place and insecure as you chase your goals, you will be in an environment where nothing else matters other than you and your goals, I have been known to even lock the front door so that clients can have peace of mind that they will not be interrupted by random people walking through the doors.
As someone in the past who used to and still sometimes finds it very anxious to walk through a typical gym door full of people I understand and get those feelings of anxiety, inadequacies, should I be here, do I belong here etc you know the feelings.
Our clients feel empowered by knowing they are in the capable hands to help them achieve their goals, all clients come from a varying array of backgrounds, some have never been to a gym let alone to a personal coach or group training this is why it is important for us to treat each person on a individual level because unfortunately she's not a one size fits all in approach. Some clients come to us having been going to the gym and or having another Personal Trainer in town and with these clients we need to take the time and care to understand why they have chosen to seek T.S.F’s help and guidance to get where they want be and why and what the previous trainer or gym couldn't provide them for what they wanted to achieve.
As I said previously, we need to move away from a one size fits all approach, we are dealing with human to human and we all differ in many ways from the way we think, act and approach the way we want to achieve our goals, not all clients are going to be able to run let alone even like running, some clients are not going to be able to utilise boxing let alone even like it, we have to work with the client to help them understand what they are capable of and most importantly help them understand we can't avoid everything all together but to design their session around things they can tolerate even if they do not like it but forcing them into doing things, that one isn’t something that isn't going to get the best out of them for themselves, and two will likely injure them and set them back in progress, but encourage them to do things that they can tolerate and help them build up to things they didn't realise they were capable of.
Not Molly
Lets actually put this into some serious context for you and we will use alias names to protect the client and to protect the previous business the used as I am not very big on running other people or businesses into the ground and rubbing them through the mud so to speak… About 6 weeks ago we had a new client decide to message us, and seek our help to get their goals back on track and to help them feel better about themselves overall, where they went previously they had been to for a number of years and with no success and nothing but injury after injury, shoulder was cooked, back was cooked and her knee from a previous injury wasn't being taken care of or being taken into consideration. After years of struggle at “Bob's Gym” Molly was defeated and needed to seek change and a new approach, 6 weeks in Molly has gone from a cooked shoulder, crook back and having her knee blowing up like a balloon to having a shoulder she can use without pain or discomfort, a back and core that is being correctly trained and feels much stronger and her knee has not been an issue as it was and that's because Molly has taken T.S.F’s advice and guidance to ensure we take care of the joints and back. Molly now trains correctly with great form and technique using the consistent constant advice that we guided her with. When she told us the other day that she didn't realise how much stronger she felt until she was throwing boxes around at work and didn't bust a sweat or have issues with her shoulder we were over the moon for her. This is why we do what we do for these clients who choose T.S.F to help them regain the strength and mobility to perform even their daily job with the best of their abilities.
So, Molly now comes to group training and continues pushing her physical barriers in her personal coaching sessions to maximise the effort in the quest of achieving her goals. She finally feels like she's making progress, she feels like she is being cared for and taken care of on her journey, Molly put her journey first and instead of continuing down the same path she now knows that she's going to win her race at her pace 🙂and as for “Bob’s Gym” they lost a great, loyal client because they couldn’t see beyond their own ego to see that they were not helping but were hindering this amazing individuals progress. T.S.F will always strive for excellence when it comes to caring for our clients, past, present and future.