Food - Why So Serious!
Find the fruit you love and not the stuff you hate
Welcome back to the Academy :) today we will be discussing basics surrounding food and nutrition.
It’s a Burger - One now and then won’t kill you ha-ha
So above is a bare look at what we are about to delve in to as far as “We are what we eat” you have heard that right? So what are you eating? How much do you eat? When do you eat? Why do you eat? And what are you eating? Take a minute to ask yourself these questions, and then reflect on your answers and then ask yourself am I satisfied, is it helping me achieve what I intend on achieving? If your answers are yes then awesome, Well Done congratulations. But if you have answered no then what are you going to do? Are you going to diet even though you know you will quit in less than 30 days because you begin to put restrictions on yourself and stop eating the things you enjoy? I know, I have been there, there is so much out there, so many people inside the industry that push diets and forget the key of asking questions. The difference that sets us apart from all the others is we care enough to ask you the questions we asked, we care enough for you to make the call on what you want to achieve. So what will you do, continue reading or switch off and go chase another diet ?
So you stuck around, great to have you here still. Let;s break down the macros of the sources above.
Carbohydrates 4 calories per 1g
Protein 4 calories per 1g
Fats 9 calories per 1g
Alcohol 7 calories per 1g
1 Litre per 25kgs of Body Weight per day
So what are the roles of these four macro nutrients… well they all have a key role, carbs role is and always will be as energy, you will notice that when you go on a low-carb diet you’ll notice that you become lethargic and tired, you will have gone from going to bed at 10pm to falling asleep on the couch around 8pm, that's insane right you have just lost 2hrs of your day because someone told you Carbs are bad for you and that you need to eat less of them but yet the Brain thrives on Carbohydrates to function at its full capacity.
Protein, its role is to help maintain, re-grow and strengthen the muscle tissue. Very important in the role of being strong and able to lift heavy objects for a long period of time, it can become an energy source but when you have exhausted all your energy via Carbohydrates and Fats for example - Marathon runners burn protein as they expend all the energy from Carbs and Fats hence why they have very small muscle tissue throughout the body and are really lean.
Fats - are an energy source however when we do less and consume more we see the fat go into the fat cells and will just multiply until you are over-weight and and now Carbs get stored and held until your next meal. At this point now you are either eating way too much and not moving anywhere near enough, or you are eating far less often but still consuming way to many fats so the body stores them to still function (burp, fart, blink, digest, breathing etc)
Is food the enemy? No food is our friend, we just need to remember that we are finely tuned animals we are a predator, we were designed to hunt, gather, build, run etc So what happened, we had the creation of processed foods and fast food for the convenience of life as we know it today as fast paced lifestyle. So why not grab a burger or a meal or a packet of chips just because we can’t be bothered when we get home and this is where we start creating an unnecessary habit and fall into the abyss of convenience and that is definitely not where you want to be and I know this. I have lived and learned it, and fixed the past mistakes, no convenience is something we use a golden moment because seriously eating and cooking home meals does become mundane and boring so you need to remember you can mix it up and order out once a week or fortnight etc moderation is key but you don't need to go on some radical diet or lifestyle change that will inevitably see you quit, hate yourself and then binge eat your ass off through packets of chips, drink a bottle of coke and eat that entire block of chocolate you have been telling yourself for the last 2 weeks you can not have because your fat ass doesn't need it or have to have it. WRONG! On so many levels that mentality is wrong, for you mentally it is especially wrong because this state of thinking manifests and in worst case scenarios you build a disassociation with food that is neither good or bad for you Good and Bad food was determined by those who sell you the idea you need to be on the diet. All food is GOOD food helps release happy chemicals in our brain because when we eat we feel good, we feel amazing but what happens is we now have been told for generations that “oh you can’t have that because its bad for you” but they never really delve into how much of said item or product is bad for you, the key to life in general is BALANCE! Note: If you like being on a diet that's great, I applaud your effort and your passion to diet, but like the bible and those who knock on your door and you moan that they are preaching it, remember don't allow yourself to preach the diet to your friends or family because if you lay on the floor pretending to not be home while the Jehovah's Witness guys are knocking then you have no right or place to preach. By all means love your diet and lifestyle and tell people its helping you but remember all humans are different that's what makes us unique so what works for you may not work for others.
So how do we get the balance right? Well we are all very different in many ways and taste buds is one. What I like maybe different to what you like. It's about finding what you like in those area’s I love broccoli but you may not, you may love Brussels sprouts but I definitely do NOT ha-ha so why force ourselves to eat foods we hate its only going to make us resentful if the food we are using so buy different things that are nutritious for you the veggies you like, the fruits you love and the proteins you enjoy eating. There is a rule well guideline actually its the ⅔ over ⅓ method, ⅔ ‘s of the plate is all the yummy stuff you like and enjoy eating from the ground, the other ⅓ ‘rd is made up all the other stuff like meat, sauce’s etc another great tip is the palm of your hand is the size of the portion of meat you should eat, this way your body can break that down, and process it, you’ll notice a massive difference in digestion process when you eat a steak this big vs a steak as big as the plate you are eating off.
We have a key rule in this household, it's the 15-minute rule… Eat what's on your plate, wait for 15 minutes if you are indeed still hungry then add a little more to the plate and eat. It's a habit I am reinforcing with my kids on a daily basis, and I am starting to see the growth spurts because for a few months they will do the 15 minutes and go play and I hear nothing from them, but when they hit a spurt I hear them every thirty seconds “Daaaad has it been 15 minutes yet” ha-ha. So I urge you to give it ago and another great tip is reduced meal size over your three main meals of the day, remember way back when, it was normal to have Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner with two snacking moments in between, it allows our metabolism to continually work which is burning calories and in turn creating more function from your body instead of going in to hibernation mode and adapting and storing food for later like a bear in the cave, we are not bears we are Humans.
So start loving food, eating in moderation the things that make happy. Enjoy food for what it is, a moment in time to refuel, re-energise and charge back up to FULL Capacity !! Throw in some Huffy Puffy Exercise and Run around with the Kids or Dog and you will become an awesome strong human Physically and Mentally :)
Thank you for reading our new blog stay tuned we have more to come!