Fitness Industry so Called “Professionals” "Leaders" Leading you nowhere
We Can Still Achieve Big Guns
Work The Big Muscles Properly and Safely To Achieve The Best Results Overall !!
Hey welcome back to the blog spot here for T.S.F today we are going to delve into the deepest part of my opinions and thoughts on the so called fitness industry guru’s that lead with the intention of selling you just another supplement on the market…..
So I follow a few industry “LEADERS” on social media outlets (Facebook, Insta, Twitter) and the common theme I find is they all seem to just want to sell, sell, sell you a product formulated by, they do this by feeding you the client or customer they hit you with the so called “Facts” you want to hear that will help you get lean, get fitter, get stronger, get bigger…. They promote their products by telling you that to maximise your results you will need to take this and add this and buy this from my personal range of formulated supplements blah blah bleurgh! Which I absolutely despise to the core because these guys and gals go into Uni and learn all these things to pretty much become and expert in that area, I mean they have to learn a lot of stuff in order to be able to manipulate the conversation to the point where you believe it because they use big words, and they have got the doctorate in physiology which is amazing to put yourself in that position to have a wealth of knowledge to help the average person achieve what they desire with their body… the other common theme these guys know a hell of a lot about the human body how it works, how many muscles are in the body and the origin and insertion of said muscles but yet they neglect you the customer by misinforming you on some dangers that may incur when doing some small exercises such as bicep curls and triceps pull downs, or bent over barbell row. It frustrates me that these individuals would willingly go out of their way to promote these exercises as educated as they are and neglect to tell the viewers and followers the certain risks associated with said exercises, lets break down the bent over barbell row right and you probably look at this blog and thinking this guy is crazy and this is a safe exercise *WRONG!!! Main back issues like 99.9% of people with back issues have this issue in the lower back, down and around the L4/L5 region and even S1 as well.
*with the back in this position required for a Barbell Bent Over Row you are placing added pressure on the L4/L5 and then adding a weight to the front of the load now we even more stress going through those vertebrae to the point where you might pop a disk, slip one, and over time creating long term wear and tear on those two vertebrae.
Let’s look at this from another point of view, imagine if you were in control of a crane and you had to lift some steel up to build a skyscraper and the weight rating for your crane was 100,000 tonnes but you had loaded 110,000 tonnes on your crane to speed up the process of work, what do you think would happen to the crane arm over time ? The fibres in the metal would weaken and the crane arm would eventually SNAP!!
Weakness has occurred and the crane has now been broken, this could be your lower back
You can still win your race and do it safely :)
So, let’s look at what is achieved with using a bent over barbell row vs a Seated Row. Pull downs, or even Chin ups/Pull Ups… the main difference is that your back is more stable in the upright position with the assistance of your core.
The Bent over barbell row will help
· Lats
· Rotator Cuff
· Deltoids
· Bicep’s
· Triceps
The Bent over barbell row will not help
· L4/L5
The Seated Row, pull up or Pull Downs own will help
· Lats
· Rotator Cuff
· Deltoids
· Bicep’s
· Triceps
· Core
· L4/L5
So, after looking at the facts and breaking them down into a simplified version for most people to understand you can always put your money on being safer and still achieving the results you want to achieve. If you do not believe me still jump on Netflix and watch Ronnie Coleman’s story this will help you see how important it is for you to understand what it is you are doing and why you are doing and as a Professional of the industry I would rather share the facts with people, so they can exercise safely and for longer because after all we all exercise for a small piece of revitalisation and longevity and living 50 years with a @#$%ed back would be very shitty wouldn’t it ☹
The next time you watch or listen to these so-called experts remember you can do your own research and then go ahead knowing that you took the time and effort to make sure what you are doing is going to help you and be a safe option. No matter what you want to achieve its important that someone out here in the world is actually helping you and pointing you in the right direction 😊