Living The Dream……
It's a term or phrase to a how most Australian men and women respond to someone when they ask how they are usually a friend or an old acquaintance. Like for example “hey John, how are you mate, it's been awhile” Oh you know Mark, Living The Dream” when really its just a polite way of saying I am over worked and am sick of turning up to work day in day out, however when someone asks me I smile, and genuinely return with Living The Dream mate, absolutely loving life right now. Because in fact I am living my dream, what is your dream? Think about that for a second, really think about it. If you didn’t have to get up and go to work what would you be doing? Really just take a second to think before we head into Living The Dream.
How did you go? Have you worked it out? Is it something you would wake up at 3am and do for FREE if it is isn’t then start again ha-ha. So what is Living The Dream to me, as I write this blog I think carefully because I want to make sure I get it all in and nothing left on the table so you can grasp it and hopefully close your phone and start the process of Living The Dream from your Point Of View, my dream is being able to spend the time I want with my wife, taking her to lunch or breakfast or even just being in her presence while she shops for new baby clothes for #4, my dream is to spend as much of my free time with my kids, watching them grow, listening to them tell me about their day at school, tell me what they want to be when they grow up being able to give them all of me and have them know that I will always make sure I can attend things like Athletics Carnivals, Swimming Carnivals, Cross Country, Assembly (if they are receiving awards) Morning Pray service if they have a speaking part or role. My dream is to make sure I miss very little in their young lives and know that I saw as much of it as possible. My dream is to wake up every day and inspire someone knew into change, Lifestyle/Health/Fitness whether it be one or all I strive to inspire people to accept that they can to Live Their Dreams, inspire them to have a Fit, Healthy mind and body, inspire them to do the things they say no to 99.9% of the time. My dream is to inspire young people to see that you just have to finish school and get a job, I want to inspire them to follow their passion and the things they love… Guess what, I am Living That Dream every day when I wake up and I mean every day.
In Melbourne October 2019 First Family Vacation
I get to drop my two beautiful daughters Charlotte 6 (almost 7) and Alexis 4 (5 in October) at School, I get to drop my little man Isaac 2 (almost 3) if you ask him he is already 3 ha-ha at daycare and guess what I get to pick them up every day as well. Every day is an opportunity for me live out my dream of being there for kids because I know that in 15 years it’ll feel like yesterday, and they were all just so little and I didn't want to miss that for anything especially for some job I hated. How do I live my dream you may ask if you are new to me or you just stumbled across my blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn profile. I am a dedicated Fitness Professional that has the intent to be the very best, I do not want to be the BIGGEST but I have the desire to be the GREATEST by inspiring other men and women that they can find the best version of them through a physical health and fitness approach and I created my Business Turtle Shell Fitness because I didn't want to be just another PT working for just another “Gym” or PT Studio, I wanted to create something far better, with far more quality, I didn't want to just feel like I was doing another JOB… I wanted to be the Owner and Operator of something that aspires to be GREAT, I wanted to earn the money I need right now to enable me to Live My Dreams daily until I die. Put it into perspective If I died tomorrow I would be absolutely content knowing I gave all I had in time with my kids and my wife, also knowing that I taught my kids that you can follow your dreams no matter what they are. So you haven't figured it out yet that's okay! Really it is, I was 26 years old when I found the burning desire to help others achieve what they wanted to achieve physically through Fitness in turn that grew into a desire to do more and be more, to help people understand that fitness is more than just losing a little bit of weight but it’s a huge mental game changer and can improve your over-all well-being, my aspirations are not limited to just personal training or group fitness, but they are to become an advocate to young kids that have been through the ringer, to men that are suffering and have no idea where to go or what to do with their lives to be a voice to all men and tell them it’s ok to want to do more and be more for your family, to be around your kids, to share with them that we live in the present day and that time is of the essence and not to be afraid to spend as much of it with them as you can.
The beauty of Dreams is they can be as big as you like, but the downfall to Dreams is they can stay Dreams without action, If it’s your desire to Live Your Dream then you will need to apply some action and definitely some consistent effort daily towards making it a reality but the next time someone says “hey …. How are you today, it's been awhile mate” do not respond with “AHH you know John, Living The Dream” when the fact is you aren’t, be honest with yourself and say “you know John, I am a tad over work and looking for my thing mate, to be honest” that response may indeed to start a conversation with the old friend that might get the juices flowing, who knows its worth a shot :) So get out of here and Go Find IT, that damn thing that makes you feel good every day instead of doing that other thing that makes you cranky :P
Go LIVE YOUR DREAMS !! Start Today Go On DO It